Thursday, July 30, 2009

Indiana here we come!

We decided to head to Muncie, IN to visit family. We loaded up the baby and the dog for the eleven hour drive. They both did great! Brad and I rotated driving while the other sat in the back and watched a movie. Here Kailyn and Uncle Joe are enjoying the sounds and smells of her first trip to Pizza King, a local favorite, there is one on every cornor and every small town.

Great-grandma Syphers, mom, and Kailyn on the back porch.

We took a walk along the White river near downtown and had to stop for a picture. On the other side of the river is Muncie Central, where Great-grandma Syphers went to High school graduating 60 years ago this year! Wow! Also the school that was beat in the State finals by the smaller school in the movie Hoosiers.

Here is Kailyn and Great-grandma Syphers, Kailyn is wearing her off to grandma's outfit!

Brad and Alycia at a tea room outside of New Castle, IN. It is literally in the the middle of the corn fields. You would only know it was here by word of mouth. Great food and tea! Kailyn slept through her first visit to a tea room and Brad survived this girly outing! More pictures to come of our trip!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

July 4th!

Kailyn celebrating her 1st Fourth!
Grandma and Kailyn getting ready to watch fireworks!

Here are the Bensens in their red, white and blue!

I am trying to catch up on posting all the pictures that I have of Kailyn. Here we are with my mom and dad watching the fireworks at the fairgrounds!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Adventures in babysitting(dogsitting)

I had to throw in a picture of Kailyn. Brad said this is her thug outfit. Her baggy pants and sagging showing the diaper.
Here is our beagle, Addie that we have been watching. Ryleigh has been sweet to her and tolerating her when Addie wants to be right beside her. Ryleigh is jealous when Addie is getting attention from Brad or I. Addie has fallen in love with Ryleigh and wants to be where she is at all times. The most interesting adventures have been walks and our trip to Lynn lake. Two dogs free to roam in a car can be challenging. At least on the way back they were tuckered out. Addie is a puller on walks so when you have two dogs, one pulling, and a stroller with a baby, one adult. When a squirrel passes all bets are off. We have enjoyed having her company and a friend for Ryleigh to play with for a little while. Soon Addie will be going home and we will only have our memories with her.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Beach Trip

We headed off to Oak Island, NC after returning home from Richmond. It was a great time to get away and spend some time outside.

Here is Kailyn all ready to head out to the beach. Her hat was huge and floppy on her but kept the sun off her face.
Here is mommy and Kailyn by the ocean.

Kailyn's first dip in the ocean. She didn't mind it, no crying. The water was pretty warm. We also got a picture of her footprint in the sand.

Here is our family picture, front row, Amanda, Sarah, Alycia, Kailyn, Tammy
Back row, Chad, Brad, and Ron

Here we are by the ocean.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Visiting Richmond

On Father's day, we headed to Richmond to visit Brad's side of the family to introduce them to Kailyn. Here is daddy and Kailyn hanging out together.
Here are Kailyn and Alex only 3 days apart and cousins. They posed for many pictures together.
Here is Alex by himself.

Another pose of the cousins. What fun we are going to have watching them grow up together!