Sunday, March 15, 2009

Our First Baby Shower!

Here I am with the bouncy seat and booster seat that we received from a group of friends in our Sunday School class.
A very cute outfit, you can't see them here but there are little ears on the hood.

Here are from, left to right, Laura L and Taylor, Bianca, and Laura H

Here are, from left to right, Jillian, Debbie and Wendy. We also see the back of Sarah C head.

Here is a cute giraffe that winds up and plays music.

We are very thankful for our friends in our Sunday School, I was blessed to spend some time with several of the ladies in our class as they showered me with words of wisdom and gifts for the baby. We appreciate all of the beautiful gifts and words of wisdom that I will take with me as we begin a new season in our life.

1 comment:

Chillin' with Lemonade said...

Yay for Baby Showers! You look so pretty!