Friday, November 20, 2009

Catching up for November

Where has the month of November gone? I feel like it was the beginning of November a few days ago. Here are some updates with what we have been doing. Here is where I spent my day raking up our back and front yards getting ready for the leaf guys to come and suck them up. Kailyn was great to take a long nap this afternoon.

My Winter Village table centerpiece. Holidays fit for a King was great and I enjoyed learning some new ideas about Christmas and Children and Cooking for a crowd. I feel ready to entertain a large group of 20.

Kailyn had her 6 month checkup, she is doing good 12lbs 9.5 oz. She is still in the 10th percentile but is growing great! She seems to be healthy. She is trying to sit up and wants to be on the move but is only moving her arms and legs with her tummy keeping her still.

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