Sunday, December 20, 2009

December Pictures

Here is Ryleigh, Kailyn and mom hanging out by the first fire of the year. Even though you can't see the fire it is there just to the right. I think these pictures will catch us up with Kailyn. She is getting to be a big girl and is starting to want to sit up in the high chair and in the grocery cart. She is such a joy in our lives and can't wait to spend her first Christmas together!
Mommy and Kailyn in her new outfit that a co-worker had given me a few days before the concert. She looked quite cute!
This is our family photo at the chorus concert.
Here is daddy and Kailyn after his Christmas Concert.
I had Kailyn on my bed and I was watching her while I was getting ready in the bathroom and I looked over to see her and Ryleigh hanging out together. I grabbed my camera to get a shot of this sweet moment!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Aww the one of she and Ryleigh is sweet!